
Vacant lot for sale
L'Île-d'Anticosti, Côte-Nord

$395,000.00 + GST/QST

Vacant lot for sale
L'Île-d'Anticosti, Côte-Nord

$395,000.00 + GST/QST

Inscription 21702583
Address Lac Simonne


Property details

Land of 43000 square feet (4000 square meters) located on the shores of Lake Simone with 233 feet of frontage on the edge of the lake and 266 feet ceiling, the land is accessible directly by car by the main road (Route de l'ile - D'Anticosti) there is also a path on the ground

Evaluations, taxes and expenses

Evaluation (municipal)
Year 2021
Terrain $20,000.00
Building $0.00
Total: $20,000.00
School taxes 1$ (2021)
Municipal Taxes 1$ (2022)
Total: 2$
Lot surface: 43000 PC
Lot dim. 233x - P
Lot dim. Irregular


Water supply Unknown
Sewage system Unknown


The land is also accessible by Seaplane, the land is located 17km from the Port Meunier airport. The little land accommodate a building and large-scale facilities. Very rare to find on the market. Well-known hunters' region the visits for Saturday and Sunday must be requested no later than Friday 5pm

Francesco (Frank) Carnuccio

Francesco (Frank) Carnuccio

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